Since the beginning of the year, I’ve mentioned a secret Episode Interactive project I’ve been working on. Sadly, this is not a revelation of more details about what it is. Not just yet.

Sorry, did I get your hopes up?

Whilst I would love to divulge details, I’m still unsure of what my contract allows and doesn’t allow in terms of discussing my project. To be on the safe side, I’d rather not spoil things with legal technicalities. This has been one of my dreams for years, and you’d better believe I’m trying my best to make it work out. Besides, I can promise you it will be worth the wait…

For those eagerly awaiting updates, this image may provide a hint.

However, I can reveal that I have finally, FINALLY, finished the very bare bones of the pilot draft and have now moved onto editing.

This stage should really have been done over a month ago, but for me (and why this is such a huge deal in my eyes), it’s taken more time than I thought it would. Part of this was due to trying to wrap my head around different story-telling styles and adopting new narratives that I normally wouldn’t try. Another part was unexpectedly getting sick. For over two weeks (perhaps more), I wasn’t capable of even looking at a computer screen, let alone writing or coding. What made it perhaps worse was the fact that at the time, I had been so close to finishing the draft.

It doesn’t matter now, though. The raw draft is finally done. I can now edit and, with luck, submit the first part of my project before considering pitching new projects or continuing with the project.

But why is this relevant to anyone else?

I can’t say I’m particularly proud of myself for completing this, as it does annoy me that it took so long. Had I been ahead of time, I perhaps would be more ready to celebrate this milestone.

However, it does mean that once submitted, I will have more time to focus on my novels and other Episode stories. I will not be motivated by a ticking clock as much as I will be able to create without fear of letting someone other than myself down (well… there is an exception to this, but more on that later). I can pick and choose which story to focus on without any guilt associated with ignoring another.

For readers awaiting updates or a new novel, this will mean they are closer to making their way to your screen or hands.

I will reveal more about this project as soon as I possibly can; for now, I’m closer than ever to being able to do so.

Is there a project you’ve been working on that you’re proud to say you’ve completed? What part of writing has taken you the longest? What do you do to overcome writer’s block?
Let me know below!

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