Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us via the form below.

Where can I buy your novels?
The Beaumont Egalitarian Society is available online and in store in selected retailers, including on Amazon and in The Hobart Bookshop. A full list is available here.
Future titles, including Call Me Rumpel, will also be available on Amazon; information on their availability will be updated on this site.

Is there a sequel to ‘The Beaumont Egalitarian Society’?
Yes! We’re pleased to announce the next instalment of the hit mystery/fantasy series will be released in early–mid 2024. Updates will be available here.

Which new titles are coming soon?
Three new YA series will be coming in 2024 and 2025, including White Wave, The Kitsune’s Lullaby, and The Monsters We Hide.

Are you still working with Episode Interactive?
Jennifer’s stories are currently still available on the Episode Interactive app. New stories will be released shortly, including the epic fantasy Lorelei (a modern take on Greek mythology), and old stories will be updated when time permits.
Exciting things are soon to happen, so please be on the lookout for updates from Episode in the near future.

Have you considered traditional publishing?
Jennifer is still very open to undertaking the traditional publishing route. Whilst both self-publishing and traditional publishing have their benefits and pitfalls, traditional publishing will be the first port of call for each of her manuscripts.

What other services do you offer?
Editing, proofreading, mentoring, and art commission services will be made available in 2025. Please stay tuned for more information regarding these services.
In the meantime, please check out our list of resources, including useful grammar sites, app lists, and connections to editors and agents.

Will we see your novels adapted into television series or movies?
It is the dream of many authors to have their work translated into other mediums, including television and movie productions. Currently, there are no plans for this to occur with The Beaumont Egalitarian Society; however, the author is quite open to the possibility.

Do you do book signings and events?
Currently, there are no book signing events planned. To organise an event, please fill in the below contact information.

Do you have books to recommend?
There are many books that have fostered Jennifer’s imagination throughout her life. To name each title would be a novel in itself.
Some particular novels and manga that have always remained in her heart include:

  • The Lifeguard by Richie Tankersley Cusick
  • Belle Teal by Ann M. Martin
  • Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr
  • Hating Alison Ashley by Robin Klein
  • Vampire Knight by Matsuri Hino
  • Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • Mediterranean Temptation by Hope J. Ine
  • Vendetta by Catherine Doyle

How can I become an author?
If you have a unique idea, you can become an author!
Now, that might be putting it simply, but anyone who has the plot and commitment to see it through can write a novel. The key is to setting aside time when you can to plot, write, and learn the basics.
You do not need a degree in a writing course to become an author (although it does help). There are many (free) outlets you can use to help improve writing skills (such as character development, flow, spelling and grammar, etc). Participating in small story contests, asking for peer reviews, and joining writing groups on social media are just some of the many ways you can get your foot in the door.
Jennifer and her team welcome all questions regarding this matter, so please do not hesitate to ask.
Check out some of our curated resources!

Do you mentor other authors?
Jennifer is more than happy to other advice and assistance to fellow authors. There is absolutely no cost associated with this as she believes every author deserves a fair chance at crafting their work.
Please fill in the contact form below for more details.