Jennifer engages in a long list of hobbies beyond writing and reading. From photography to collecting antiques, most pursuits inspire her characters.

Antique Collecting

A collection of brass (?) ‘Viking’ rings.

There is no time period that is safe from Jennifer’s curiosity. From dinosaurs to Victorians and everything in between; if an item is intriguing, it’s worth preserving.

Whilst many of her collection items aren’t considered museum-quality, they still hold immense value. Each item tells a story, one time cannot hope to erase.

As time progresses, she will share more of collection with you (and go into more detail of items and their eras). In the meantime, check out her history-based Instagram account: @in_a_land_before_time

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For almost two decades, Jennifer has been a keen cross-stitcher, using both kits and her own designs. Whilst time has not permitted her to pursue this hobby in quite some time, she cannot wait to start the many kits awaiting her attention.

As each one is completed, photographs will be shared here.

In addition, she also loves other forms of textiles, just like Mishka Winscott from her upcoming novel, Call Me Rumpel. The medieval fantasy princess dress Mishka makes in the novel is very similar to one Jennifer created in Year 9/10 for school.

Back of a fantasy medieval dress created c. 2006


Alike Aisling O’Connor from The Beaumont Egalitarian Society, Jennifer believes the camera is the best invention in the world. It never ceases to amaze her how an image can be captured onto film.

Unlike Aisling, she considers herself an amateur when it comes to photography. Technical aspects such as lighting and focus tend to escape her attention in favour of objectivity: if she thinks a picture is pleasing to her eye, it is enough for her. When funding and time permits, she will consider taking a course or two to enhance her skills and purchasing a more advanced camera than her phone. For now, however, she is satisfied with stalking the local wildlife and hoping her cats will permit her to dress them in a costume or two (so far, their claws say otherwise).

From places and sunsets to wildlife, these are just some of the sample (amateur) photographs that she has taken without editing.

Learning new skills

Thanks to her ever-wandering mind and endless scrolling of Instagram and Facebook reels, Jennifer often finds new interests she believes she can pick up. That is, inspiration will strike, she will buy the supplies needed, make a few attempts, and inevitably find another interest to pursue.

Her latest fad involved art: specifically, painting and pottery.

It is safe to say she will not be pursuing a career in either, but will continue to practice, practice, and practice some more to improve her skills.

A recent attempt at painting following a Youtube tutorial.