Are you an author, editor, ghostwriter, agent, or artist? Are you an avid reader?

We’re looking for story recommendations, author resources, and to build connections in the writing and publishing community.

Artists, editors, ghostwriters, and agents

Would you like to advertise your business? We’re happy to link reputable websites as well as conduct interviews informing authors what you can offer.


Have you recently published a novel or are in the midst of writing? We’d love to hear about your experiences and help advertise your work.


Do you have a book you feel a reader simply MUST read? Let us know your recommendations!


Do you have links to tutorials, blogs, lessons, and other helpful sites that could benefit writers? Please share them with us.

What does this cost?


Sharing this site with friends, family, and colleagues is always welcome, but you have no obligations to do so. We know the difficulties of writing and want to pay it forward.

We look forward to hearing from you! Let us know your recommendations below or click on one of the links above.

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